Information Session on the UI GreenMetric WUR Rankings for European Universities, Organized by the Green University Program Office of the University of Pécs

The Green University Program Office of the University of Pécs, in collaboration with the UI GreenMetric World University Rankings team, organized an online information session for European universities on October 7, 2024. The event aimed to introduce the methodology and questionnaire of the 2024 UI GreenMetric WUR and support the development of sustainability programs at universities.

Our Environment - Our Health - Our Future Quiz 2024

The role of rain gardens in the urban environment

Extreme weather conditions in recent years, including intense rainfall events and dry spells, have increasingly highlighted the need for effective water management. Flooding and rapid run-off in urban areas is a major problem and new innovative solutions are needed. This is the theme of the conference "Runoff or water retention? The role of rain gardens in urban run-off", held on 21st May by Dr.

Eco Adventure Camp 2024

The No.1 Practical Primary School of the University of Pécs and the UP Green University Program launched an environmentally conscious, playful camp for children aged 6-10 years from 1-12th July 2024.

HOPE 2 CConference 2024

Cyclist-friendly workplace rolls forward with Pedelec test program


In line with the Sustainability Week, and with the support of the Green University Program of the UP, the Deák Ferenc Primary School of the UP joined this year's "YouPick! - Voluntarily for a Clean Hungary" campaign, the largest voluntary waste collection movement in Hungary.

Spring Cleaning 2024

Nearly 50 people collected rubbish on 11th April in Mecsek, organized by the Green University Program of the UP. Class 2/c of the No.1 Practical Primary School of the University of Pécs, the Chancellery, the Teacher Training Center, the University Library, the Green University Program and the colleagues of Mecsekerdő Ltd. took part in the action.

Environmental sustainability at the University of Pécs: focus on energy saving

Earth Hour 2024

Every year on Earth Hour, essential lighting is switched off for an hour and electrical appliances are disconnected around the world. The 60 minutes dedicated to the Earth is not only to symbolically turn off the lights in our homes and cities, but also to raise awareness that creating a sustainable future and protecting our planet is everyone's responsibility.

400 oak trees were planted by the citizens of the University and the colleagues of Mecsekerdő Ltd.

The World Forest Day was celebrated in style by the Green University Program of the UP in cooperation with Mecsekerdő Ltd., in the framework of which a total of 400 oak trees were planted by the citizens of the University and the colleagues of Mecsekerdő Ltd. The community tree-planting took place on 20th March, with the help of workers from Mecsekerdő Ltd. The event was concluded with a lunch hosted by the members of the Green University Program of the 

World Water Day

Cycle to work at the university!

The University of Pécs announced a tender for the free use of 25 bicycles provided by the Sports Office of the UP within the framework of the Green University Program's "Cycle to work on your bike!". On 21st March, the successful applicants received their bikes in the courtyard of the Rector's Office of the UP.

Two new members joined the Sustainability Platform of Hungarian Universities

On 22nd September 2022, the Sustainability Platform of Hungarian Universities was established with the initiation of the University of Pécs, joined by fourteen Hungarian universities committed to sustainability. The Sustainability Platform of Hungarian Universities was expanded by two new universities.


Around the world on 6th March, actions are being organized to save energy. It is a day that encourages us to act as individuals for the benefit of the community, drawing attention to the fact that with a little attention we can save a lot of energy and therefore money in our households. The sum of our individual savings, on a "many little ones make a difference" basis, will ultimately have a positive impact on the world's energy resources.

Sponge City

Balázs Borkovits, International Project Manager of the International Proposals and Project Management Department, Directorate for Proposals and Project Management, UP Chancellery, reported on several projects related to the Green University Program. The event was organized by the Green Library Working Group of the University Library and Knowledge Center of the UP on 23rd January.

Online course on sustainability - Spring Semester 2024

The University of Pécs remains the 1st greenest university in Hungary and the 23rd greenest in the world!

In 2023, the University of Pécs was ranked for the eighth time in the "UI GreenMetric World University Rankings" international program. The University of Pécs was ranked 23rd among the world's greenest universities with 1183 universities, and for the fourth time in a row it was the best of the 12 Hungarian universities in the ranking, earning the title of the greenest Hungarian university.

FUTURE=LIFE?! A Solution to the Climate Change and World Peace

The author Dr. Ernő Dittrich, doctor of Engineering, lecturer at the Department of Environmental Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology of the University of Pécs, researcher, inventor, leading designer and technical expert, who has been dealing with complex water and environmental problems all his life. Climate change has been a central issue in his professional work for more than 20 years. Is there a solution to climate change?

Rakun Box Community


The Teach for Hungary! the program continues at the University of Pécs, aiming to give primary school children living in small villages the same chance to continue their studies or find a job as their urban counterparts.

"Pass it back, bro!" - autumn mobile phone collection campaign

The "Pass it back, Bro!" used mobile phone collection campaign is running for the fourth year, announced by the Jane Goodall Institute and joined by the Unievrsity of Pécs through the Baranyai Virtual Power Plant Program (BAVEP partners: the University of Pécs, Hungarian Innovation and Efficiency Nonprofit Ltd, Pécs Municipality, Pécs-Baranya Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Baranya County Municipality, Pécs Diocese, Leőwey Klára High School of Pécs).

A new level of cooperation between the UP and MVM

On Friday morning, MVM Plc. and the University of Pécs signed a cooperation agreement under which Hungary's fourth largest group of companies, the thirteenth largest in Central Europe, and "Hungary's first university" will jointly work to promote the effective implementation and application of the strategic vision of the National Energy Strategy and the National Energy and Climate Plan, and to promote the widespread use of environmentally friendly energy sources.

The UP remains the greenest Hungarian university

In 2021, the University of Pécs has been measured for the sixth time in the "UI GreenMetric World University Rankings" international program. Thanks to its conscious, disciplined environmental ambitions and related efforts, the UP has been able to move up in the ever-expanding international rankings year after year.

Hungary's first university has a new stand at Educatio!

From Thursday to Saturday, 13-15th January 2022, the Educatio exhibition will be held again in person at Hungexpo, where participants will have the opportunity to meet representatives of the University of Pécs. The UP will have a renewed stand with more than 80 contributors and will welcome visitors interested in higher education.

Towards greener offices

At the invitation of the Követ Association, the Green University Program of the UP organized an online lecture and workshop on 15th February. The invited NGO has been active since the nineties and mainly guides companies towards sustainability. The event focused on the development of a people- and environment-friendly office, with more than fifty UP faculty and organizations represented.

"Green solutions in Pécs" - presentation of the Green Aura project at the ECOCITY week in Pécs Árkád

 "Green solutions in Pécs" - Green Aura project presented at the ECOCITY week in Pécs Árkád

Our environment, our health, our future quiz

Our environment, our health, our future quiz

YouPick! - Voluntarily for a Clean Hungary campaign was joined again this year by the University of Pécs

The University of Pécs joined the YouPick! - Voluntarily for a Clean Hungary campaign again this year. The YouPick! voluntary waste collection campaign was carried out for the 10th time this year. Between 2-8th May 2022, YouPick! volunteers "cleaned up" all over the country as part of the waste collection campaign.

Pass it back, Brother - Spring 2022 campaign organized by the Green University Program of the UP

Pass it back, Brother Spring 2022 campaign

For the fourth year running, the "Pass it back, Bro!" campaign to collect used mobile phones is being run jointly by the Jane Goodall Institute, the KÖVET Association, the Foundation for Africa and the Defence Association. The University of Pécs joined the initiative 3 years ago.

Plastic-free July 2022

Background: Plastic-Free July was launched in Australia in 2011 as an awareness-raising and attitude-changing initiative to encourage people to use as little disposable plastic as possible. It has grown so much that last year more than 100 million people from 190 countries around the world took up the challenge.

Green Roundtable organized by the Green University Program of the UP

On the initiative of the Green University Program of the University of Pécs, a Green Round Table - Green Brunch event was organized with the active participation of 24 participants from 16 organizations (local companies and institutions).

European Mobility Week 2022 - professional event at the Medical School

Transport is an important pillar of our quality of life and working conditions. It matters how much of our time and financial resources we use up, the quality of our daily journeys and the environmental impact we can achieve. The issue of mobility has become one of the central issues not only globally but also locally, both because of the pandemic and because of the historically unprecedented escalation in hydrocarbon prices.

European Mobility Week 16-22.09.2022 - PROGRAMS


Become a desiccation researcher yourself!

Presentation title: Become a desiccation researcher with the DRYRivERS smartphone app!

Presentation date: 1st March 2023, 5:00 pm

Location: South Transdanubian Regional Library and Knowledge Center, Conference Room (2/a. Universitas street, Pécs)

A total of 3700 aluminium cans were collected by the UP!

Volunteering is cool!

UP Innovation Days 2023

European Mobility Week 16-22.09.2023 - PROGRAMS


Cycling breakfast

School recipe competition for a vegetarian October and meat-free Friday

In the spirit of the vegetarian October and meat-free Friday, a " vegetarian " recipe competition is announced for the lower primary school students of the Practical Primary Schools of the UP.

To enter:

Solutions to climate change - course

Dr. Ernő Dittrich, lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology of the University of Pécs, who is also involved in climate protection in addition to water conservation and aquatic ecosystems. Through his course below, he shows us practices that can be applied in our everyday lives to make a huge difference in saving the Earth.

About the course:

October "green gastronomy" organized by the Green University Program of the UP

Dear University Citizen!

We would like to invite you to the Green Gastronomy series of events of the UP in the spirit of vegetarian October!

"Take away food, not trash" - Packaging-free Day 30.09.2023

Did you know that 30th September is World Packaging-free Day?

Planet Budapest 2023

"Our Earth.

Beautiful, full of life and indispensable. A system that is home to plants, animals and people. Its soil, its water, its air vitalizes. Its resources can sustain all living things. But its bounty has been abused. We have upset its fragile balance. We take from it more than it can replace on its own. We must change that!"

Drinking fountain unveiled at the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology of the UP

Thanks to the Green University Program of the UP and the Tettye Fountain House , a drinking fountain was inaugurated in front of the Boszorkány Dormitory at the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology of the University of Pécs on 12th June, as part of the

Drinking fountain unveiled in the courtyard of the Babits Mihály Teachers' Training Practice School of the University of Pécs

On the International World Environment Day, 5th June, an outdoor drinking fountain was inaugurated at the  Babits Mihály Teachers' Training Practice School of the University of Pécs in the framework of the project "Wet City - Conscious Water and Sewer Use".

Challenge Day 2023 - Green steps for health – Come and take the stairs with us!

The Challenge Day filled the Chancellery building with great fun on 31st May 2023. Enthusiastic colleagues opted for early morning exercise and were rewarded with a cheerful mood and a delicious apple.

Ecofriends Talent Program

Thanks to the National Talent Program, a science talent workshop has been established in the spirit of the Green University Program of the UP for the 1st and 2nd grade students of the No.1 Practical Primary School of the University of Pécs and the Deák Ferenc Primary School of the University of Pécs in the academic year 2022-2023. The aim was to shape and form an environmentally friendly and sustainable attitude.

Our environment - our health - our future competition

The second round of the 6th edition of the Our environment - our health - our future competition, the Ecogame, took place on 27th April in the Botanical Garden of the University of Pécs, with 324 children from six institutions from three cities participating in the first online round. 25 kindergarten and first-grade students and 64 primary school students took part in the Ecogame.

Climate protection and carbon neutrality

The European Commission has selected Pécs - together with Budapest and Miskolc - to join the European Union's program under which the City of Pécs commits to becoming net zero carbon by 2030. The target is ambitious and can only be achieved in partnership. The University of Pécs will now be one of these partners, which is not surprising, given that the above-mentioned ambition is an integral part of the Green University Program of the University of Pécs.

In the spirit of the Green University Program of the UP, the UP-Affiliated Practical Schools participated and collected garbage in this year's "YouPick! - Voluntarily for a clean Hungary!"

Organized for the 11th time this year "YouPick! Voluntarily for a clean Hungary" program, is the largest voluntary garbage collection campaign in Hungary. As in previous years, the UP-Affiliated Practical Schools participated in this noble initiative, following the philosophy of the Green University Program of the UP. The main aim of the campaign is to raise awareness of the importance of environmental protection among children, parents and teachers alike.

In keeping with tradition this year as well, dress green or dress your environment in green!

Let's throw together a greener future - Week of Sustainability with the Green University Program of the UP between 24-28th April

Between 24-28th of April, the Week of Sustainability will take place at the University of Pécs, which has been chosen as the 21st greenest higher education institution in the world. The focus of the week is on aluminum, a packaging material that can be recycled in practically countless ways if handled with the right awareness.

The Sustainability Platform of Hungarian Universities was established

8th International (Virtual) Workshop on UI GreenMetric World University Rankings (IWGM 2022)

The University of Pécs participated in the 6th Steering Committee Meeting of the UI GreenMetric World University Rankings Network on 27th September 2022.  The Steering Committee meeting was attended by Prof. Dr. Ing. Chin-Lung Chang, President of the event, on behalf of the host university - National Pingtung University of Science & Technology. Then, the UI GreenMetric WUR was represented by Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari M.Sc., MM.

3rd Go to UP! Cultural Festival

About career choices in higher education

For the third time, the University of Pécs is organizing its enrolment event, the "Go to UP! Cultural Festival" this time at the Expo Center in Pécs on 14th October 2022.

ANNOUNCEMENT - "The conscious shopper's vegan snack"

In the spirit of vegetarian October and Meatless Friday, we announced a recipe competition for the students of the No.1 Practical Primary School of the University of Pécs, Deák Ferenc Primary School of the UP, and the Babits Mihály Teachers' Training Practice School of the University of Pécs.

Great vegan recipes were created, with the following results:

Civil fair at the Chancellery

"SmartLife" - a more conscious present for a more sustainable future - video competition for Babits Mihály Teachers' Training Practice School of the University of Pécs

Interview with nutritionist Dr. Zoltán Szabó

Slow fashion interpretations and strategies in Hungary - lecture

UP is officially a cycling-friendly workplace!

Source: UnivPécs

Sustainability Week at the UP: a gift for the selectively collected aluminium beverage cans

Between April 24-28th, Sustainability Week will be held at the University of Pécs, which has been chosen as the 21st greenest higher education institution in the world, focusing on aluminium, a packaging material that can be recycled in virtually countless ways if handled with the right awareness.

Working together for a greener world - UP-Mecsekerdő

University of Pécs and Mecsekerdő Ltd. are working together for a more sustainable and "greener" future. The cooperation will include joint tree planting, building a nature trail, litter picking, and strengthening the bird-friendly environment. UP is the 21st greenest university in the world thanks to the sustainability and environmental steps taken in recent years. The current collaboration reinforces this.

Source: Univ TV

Solutions to climate change - course

The physical and chemical basis of the climate change process. The current extent of climate change and how it has changed so far. Comparison of natural global cooling and warming cycles and warming due to anthropogenic emissions. Climate models, climate projections. Limit points of irreversible change. Global objectives. Climate change impacts on the environment and human society. Technical and scientific solutions to combat climate change.

International Seasons

Applications for English language programs now open

Earth Day at Tettye Square - 22nd April 2023

With the participation of the Green University Program of the University of Pécs and the No.1 Practical Primary School of the University of Pécs, Earth Day 2023 will be held on 22 April 2023 between 10.00 and 16.00 in Pécs, at Tettye Square, organized by the Directorate of the Danube-Drava National Park. The main goal of the University of Pécs is to shape and form sustainable attitudes.

VI. Value Exhibition and Fair - interview with Tünde Kulcsár, Program Coordinator

"Smart Life" - video campaign results and award ceremony

Reels video campaign winners

6th place - Petra Berényi
5th place - Szilveszter Roncsák
4th place - Fanni Navreczki
3rd place - Eszter Milisits (97 like)
2nd place - Boróka Werner (102 like)
1st place - Angelina Vlasova (112 like)

Video competition winners in the secondary school category and their teachers – Babits Mihály Teachers' Training Practice School of the University of Pécs

The University of Pécs becomes a Cycling Friendly Workplace in 2022 as well

The link below contains the interview of Pécs TV with Tünde Kulcsár, Program Coordinator of the UP Green University Program, describing the sustainable endeavors related to the UP Cycling Friendly Workplace Award and other sustainability efforts at the University.

The Vitalizing Water - the Green University Program of the University of Pécs and the No.1 Practical Primary School of the University of Pécs paid tribute to the conscious use of water with several exciting programs

Invisible to our eyes, the groundwater beneath our feet is one of, if not the most important treasure of our planet. It accounts for almost all of the world's available drinking water, but climate change and soil pollution are increasingly threatening this priceless treasure. The University of Pécs is making unremitting efforts to highlight the key role of water management under the 2030 Framework for Sustainable Development.

"Be as picky as us!" - focus on World Recycling Day

Today marks the launch of the campus visit series focused on recycling and selective waste collection, organized around World Recycling Day. World Recycling Day (18th March since 2018), which aims to raise awareness about the conservation of the Earth's precious natural resources.

The UP Green University Program is organizing on this event campus visits in the faculties of the University under the motto "Be as picky as us!".

Be as picky as us! - Campus visit series

Since 2018, 18th March has been declared as World Recycling Day. The aim of this day is to educate the public, especially the youth, about the importance of recycling and to promote the idea of waste as a resource in order to preserve the Earth's precious natural resources.

We cooked this up! - used cooking oil and gastro quiz



"SmartLife" – a more conscious present for a more sustainable future



Interview with Tünde Kulcsár, the coordinator of the Green University Program of the UP

In 2022, the UP was again ranked first in Hungary and 21st in the international rankings of the UI GreenMetric World University Rankings, the international list of green universities. An interview with Tünde Kulcsár, the coordinator of the Green University Program of the UP, on the new sustainability efforts and plans of the period following the awarding of the honourable titles is available on the 1367 - the website of the UP Student Council magazine.

UP Bird Friendly University - Invitation to the opening event

The Professional College for Sustainable Development of the University of Pécs has officially joined the Bird Friendly School program of the Hungarian Ornithological and Nature

The UP is the 21st greenest university in the world!

In 2022, the University of Pécs (UP) has been ranked for the seventh time in the "UI GreenMetric World University Rankings". The University of Pécs was ranked 21st among the 1050 universities in the "world's green universities", and for the third time out of the 11 Hungarian universities in the ranking, it was the best university in Hungary, earning the title of the greenest Hungarian university in 2022.

European waste reduction week - Waste is not fashion!

 Waste is not fashion! Dress yourself and your things with a "new look"! - waste reduction at the highest level, UP-style.

Waste is not fashion! The thematic program of 2022

NotADrop – used cooking oil collection organized by Green University Program of the UP

The University makes significant efforts in terms of waste management to reduce the amount of waste generated. The headline target is to reduce the proportion of communal waste by separating recyclable waste as much as possible into the already existing new recycling metal containers, which are accessable at all sites

Renewable selective waste collection at the UP

Renewable selective waste collection at UP

New, waste collection containers made of metal, new collection order!

The University of Pécs is renewing selective waste collection: new types of selective waste collection containers made of metal will be placed in the university buildings.

How the UP saves money

Due to the significant increase in energy prices, UP introduced cost-saving measures from October. This is made difficult by the fact that there is not a single large campus, but various sites with a variety of activities in different locations. The implementation of the measures is coordinated by the UP Chancellery's Operations and Procurement Directorate which also provides data for decisions related to savings.

No-smoke November 2022

19th November- World No-Smoke Day: a day without cigarette smoke

Contests, quizzes and games await all who are coming to the event! Follow our website, Facebook and Instagram pages!

Save the Earth, choose local products!

The new, impressive market hall of Pécs recently opened its doors. The citizens fell in love with the much more modern, brighter and more spacious building almost immediately.


The University of Pécs has won support to prepare for the energy renovation of 17 buildings. The project will be implemented by the institution with EU funding, with a total of HUF 421.49 million in non-reimbursable grants. As part of the project, the aim is to prepare energy efficiency plans for the buildings concerned and, based on these plans, to launch and finalize the public procurement procedures for the construction works.

October "Green Gastronomy"

Dear University Citizen!

We would like to recommend you to the UP "Green Gastronomy" series of events in the spirit of the vegetarian October!

  • 4th October (Monday) 18:00: What do you put in your basket? - Round table discussion

Location: 12 Szigeti street, UP Medical School (exact location to be announced later)

Green Babysitting training

Why is, what makes a babysitter "GREEN"? Working on sustainability is essential, and fortunately, experience has shown that young people are interested in the subject. Unlike traditional childcare or babysitting training, the training includes modern environmental education and everyday household practices. It also introduces young people to ways to help children's attention to the environment in a playful way.

22 babysitters were educated on environmental consciousness

"YouPick! - Voluntarily for a clean Hungary"

This year, for the ninth time, the volunteers of YouPick! could "clean" between 18-24 October 2021.

In the waste collection action, the UP Affiliated Primary and Secondary School No. 1., the pupils and teachers of the UP Affiliated Babits Mihály High School, and the volunteers of the UP College for Sustainable Development took part.

"What does our diet has to do with sustainability" ONLINE Lecture

Dear University Citizen!

We cordially invite you to the ONLINE lecture of Zoltán Szabó, Assistant Research Fellow of the Department of Food and Nutrition at the Faculty of Health Sciences of the UP on 6 October (Wednesday) starting at 16:00 on the following topic:

Droughts and floods: The worsening climate problems of our streams through the eyes of a hydrobiologist

TUESDAY, 22 MARCH 2022, 17:00

Droughts and floods: the worsening climate problems of our streams as seen through the eyes of a hydrobiologist

Speaker: Zoltán Csabai dr., Head of Department, Associate Professor, Department of Hydrobiology of the Institute of Biology of the Faculty of Sciences of the UP

The team of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology of the UP is the only Hungarian team to present a unique plus-energy house at the Solar Decathlon in Wuppertal

The energy-efficient house built by the Lungs of the city Team, the only Hungarian team of the Solar Decathlon Europe 2022 International Building Innovation Competition, was inaugurated at a bush ceremony on 13th May in Pécs by László György dr., Minister of State for Economic Strategy and Regulation of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology.

RESULT ANNOUNCEMENT! - School recipe competition in terms of the vegetarian October and meat-free Friday

The jury had a tough time deciding between spectacular and creative recipe ideas. The following teams and their recipes were the winners. Congratulations to them!

Special Grand Prize: Kitchen Fairies- UP Deák; 4.b

"Pass it back, Brother!" - autumn round of the mobile phone collection campaign - RESULT ANNOUNCEMENT

The "Pass it Back, Brother!" campaign for the collection of used mobile phones is running for the fourth year, jointly organized by the Jane Goodall Institute, KÖVET Association, the Foundation for Africa, and the Association for the Protection of Human Rights, and the University of Pécs has joined the initiative 2 years ago by taking into the Partners of the Baranya Virtual Powerplant Program

"Pass it back, Brother!" mobile phone collection campaign - AWARD CEREMONY

Within the framework of the "Pass it back, Brother!" used mobile phone collection campaign, the 3 affiliated schools of the UP, Leőwey Klára High School Pécs, and the Szent Mór School Centre of the Diocese of Pécs have collected 461 mobile phones, almost 50 kg of unused devices this spring. Most of the phones were sent in by class 1/a of the Szent Mór School Centre.

Planet Z - Ideas competition

Ideate, compete, win and create a cleaner and healthier world!

Paper straws, community litter picking, reusable cups, zero waste groups. Do you have an idea like this? Have you already started to implement it? Or do you need a little more help to get started? Get in touch!

ANNOUNCEMENT OF RESULTS- Earth Day 2022 - Dress Green or Dress your environment Green!

This year's "Dress Green or Dress your environment Green" game was a great success. Nearly 200 citizens of Pécs and/or universities shared a part of their colorful gardens or dressed green themselves, raising awareness about the importance of protecting our planet.

A selection of the entries and the names of the winners can be viewed in the attached gallery.

Earth Day - Being Green is Good! Dress green or dress your environment green!

This year as well we would like to celebrate Earth Day with the citizens of the UP in accordance with our tradition but in an unusual way. However, the world has come to the point where Earth Day is not only a day to celebrate, but also a day to do something to protect the air, water, plants, birds, and animals.

Earth Day has now become the largest self-organized environmental movement in Hungary.

Earth Day - Being Green is Good! Dress green or dress your environment green!

This year as well we would like to celebrate Earth Day with the citizens of the UP in accordance with our tradition but in an unusual way. However, the world has come to the point where Earth Day is not only a day to celebrate, but also a day to do something to protect the air, water, plants, birds, and animals.

Earth Day has now become the largest self-organized environmental movement in Hungary.

Plastic-free July - UP style!

Let's set an example together! By joining the Plastic-Free July challenge, we can do our part to reduce the amount of plastic in our everyday lives.

We have found the winner of the UP Moonbike Grand Prize!

For the second time, the UP has announced the popular 

Moonbike - Ecocaching game - ANNOUNCEMENT OF RESULTS

The draw for the MOON BIKE 2021 ecocaching game organized at the event in Orfű has been made.

Congratulations to the winners and thank you for participating!


  • Kata Czéh-Juhász
  • Csilla Bacsúr
  • Miksa Juby

UP MOON BIKE 2022 - The goal is still the Moon for the third time as well!

The UP MOON BIKE project aims to complete the distance between the Earth and the Moon, i.e. 384 400 km, which is organized again this year by the Relations Directorate of the University of Pécs after two successful years. The aim of this year's challenge, which encourages a healthy lifestyle and environmental awareness, is to smash last year's record. Last year it took 59 days to reach the Moon, this year the organizers are encouraging a shorter time.

The Green Bridge Foundation's Green Babysitter training course is over

The 60-hour Green Babysitter training course organized by the Green Bridge Foundation, which took place in the Eco-Kuckó Training Room in the center of Pécs between February and March 2022, is over.

School recipe competition in the spirit of the vegetarian October and meat-free Friday

In the spirit of the vegetarian October and meat-free Friday, we announce a "vegetarian" recipe competition for the students of the Deák Ferenc Primary School and the Babits Mihály Teachers' Training Practice School of the University of Pécs.


Indochina: an emerging region in world politics

The Department of International Studies of the Kodolányi János University (KJU) and the Szentágothai János Research Centre for Historical and Political Geography of the University of Pécs are pleased to invite you to the continuation of the Webinar-Geopolitical Forum series, which started last year. The next online conference will be held on 23 March 2021 from 16:00 under the title Indochina: Emerging Region in World Politics.

Hollywood presents itself: the Shoot for the Earth filmmaking competition is announced

In cooperation with the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Education and Regional Development of the University of Pécs, the film competition "Shoot for the Earth! will be held this year as well. The global filmmaking competition will be announced together with the screening of the films that have won awards in previous years, following the Oscar awards ceremony.

The UP Green Aura project is to be presented at the Planet Budapest Sustainability Expo

The UP will present climate-related developments in the city of Pécs at the Planet Budapest Sustainability Expo ( with an augmented reality-enhanced field table within the frameworks of the Green AURA project. The exhibition is free to visit until the end of the week (Supported by: Interreg V-A Hungary-Croatia Cooperation Program)

The Earth Hour - March showcase exhibition


Join the Earth Hour! Turn off, but keep your eyes open! - Showcase exhibition

Protecting our natural treasures is only possible with dedicated environmentalists like you!

In these difficult times, Earth Hour 2022 will be another moment of solidarity, and also a chance to care for each other and our common home, the Earth.

Sustainability Week at the lower secondary school of the Deák Ferenc Primary School of the UP 25-29. 04. 2022.

In the school year 2021-22, the lower secondary school of the Deák Ferenc Primary School of the UP has chosen water as one of the priority themes of sustainability. Its multifaceted approach offered a rich program of activities for students outside the school walls as well. Since the first two years of lower secondary school do not include environmental education, the teachers tried to make the week as informative as possible through a focus on the subject.

European Climate Pact

An initiative of the European Commission, the Peer Parliament. The European Commission encourages citizens to discuss how Europe can become climate neutral in an informal (online or offline) setting with friends, family, colleagues, and neighbors.

Why is this initiative special?

     An innovative, democratic tool for citizens to participate in the climate dialogue

European Waste Reduction Week 2021

EUROPEAN WASTE REDUCTION WEEK (20. – 28. 11. 2021) at the UP

"Waste reduction at the top level, UP-style, or treat waste in an ECO way!"

Reducing/eliminating waste sources and emissions

Reducing resource use

Ornamental Plant Exhibition and Fair at the UP Botanical Garden

The Ornamental Plant Exhibition and Fair will be held again in the Botanical Garden of the UP

Ashoka Green Lab Program

The Ashoka Green Lab Program is an open, youth-driven, concrete environmental challenge-solving program that aims to create more viable, scalable businesses with measurable positive environmental impact in Hungary.

The program is for you, if

     you are willing to participate in a 4-5 month development process,

     where you will work with our business partners and mentors

October "Green Gastronomy"

Dear University Citizen!

We would like to recommend you to the UP "Green Gastronomy" series of events in the spirit of the vegetarian October!


Did you know that 30th September is World Packaging-Free Day?

Did you know that 30th September is World Packaging-Free Day?

Questionnaire of the Green University Program of the UP – environmental protection and sustainability

Dear Employees, Dear Students!

Smart University, the strategy of the UP for digitalization and sustainability will be developed by the end of 2022. Because of this the university management considers it important to ask the opinion of the UP community on the topic of environmental protection and sustainability. Please fill out the questionnaire and share your opinion in order to build a greener, more sustainable university together!

GreenIdea – How to make a university sustainable?

WITH the Green University Program of the University of Pécs

Short description

The idea of the “Green University” is a complex system including built environment, ecologically conscious operation and maintenance, the formation of related attitudes and the creation of an educational and research background. 


The Pécs Summer School 2021 Program has started

Online Summer School for Central European students about the European Union

Diamond Award for the Summer School Program of Pécs

5 years, 30 summer schools, 850 participants from 70 countries - the "Pécs Summer School" program of the International Centre at the University of Pécs recently won the Marketing Diamond Award at the 2021 Marketing Diamond Awards competition, which was organized by the 

Take a Green (Dance) Step! Choose now! Take it or save it - Be one green (dance) step ahead

Dear UP Citizens,

Schneider Go Green 2022

At Schneider Electric we believe that energy is a basic human right and we are dedicated to furthering humankind through new technologies. Our purpose is to empower all to make the most of our energy and resources, bridging progress and sustainability for all. At Schneider, we call this Life Is On.

Stroll to Selmec!

The University of Sopron announces the "Stroll to Selmec" program. All university students can join the program!

Ecocaching 16-26th September


Explore bicycle roads in Pécs

during the European Mobility Week, 16-26th September, 2021

Ecocaching in Pécs, now on your bicycle!

Explore the city with your bike, look for QR codes at the locations on the map.

Answer the questions and exchange your kilometres for green gifts.

Winner of the V4GU Climate Protection Campaign

The University of Pécs, together with its four foreign partner universities, organized a video competition in the framework of the V4 Green Universities project, in which university citizens could participate and share their own ideas about what they would do differently at the University of Pécs in order to create a more environmentally conscio

V4 Green Universities – Local workshop

Inter-university dialogue in the spirit of environmental awareness

V4GU – Green Workshop


"So far, no one has found a better motivation for the cause of environmental protection than our shared love for home." /Roger Scruton/

High ranked acknowledgement awarded to the UP

This year, for the 17th time, the Expert Committee of the Superbrands Hungary, composed of independent professionals convened, which found the University of Pécs worthy of wearing the Superbrands 2021 trademark. The diploma was recently awarded to the management of the UP.

Full press release: PTE sajtóanyag - superbrands 2021

Explore the world of Orfű with your bike! - Ecocaching game rightnow on Orfű.

Explore the world of Orfű with your bike!

Eco coaching game NOW Orfűn

29th May 2021

Explore Orfű by bike, visit the QR code posters at the locations specified by GPS coordinates.

Answer questions and redeem your miles for special gifts,

Pass it back, Bro!

For the fourth year, a second-hand mobile phone collection campaign named "Pass it back, Bro!" was launched by the Jane Goodall Institute and joined by the UP in the framework of the Baranya Virtual Power Plant Program (BAVEP partners: University of Pécs, Hungarian Innovation and Efficiency Nonprofit Ltd., Municipality of Pécs County, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Pécs-Baranya, Baranya County Municipality, Diocese of Pécs, Klára Leőwey High School of Pécs).





From 15 May, the University of Pécs will once again launch its international cycling challenge to promote a healthy lifestyle.


The challenge of "MOON BIKE" is to ride a bicycle together to the moon, i.e. to reach a total of 384,400 km anywhere in the world.

The greenest university for the greenest city

The existence and quality of life of future generations depends largely on our ability to transform our thinking about the world, our environment and our lives.  Are we willing not to exploit our natural resources by changing our habits, but to protect our environment, protect biodiversity, i.e. live in a sustainable way?

"Water as I see it" photo contest - by the organization of Ecocity - Eco Region

On the occasion of World Water Day, the Eco-City-Ecoregion Foundation is launching a photo contest. The theme is Pécs and its wet places. Send your favorite photo from Pécs: "WATER AS I see it" and win!

You can also find the call on facebook link as follows:"VÍZ, ahogy Én látom..." fotópályázat - Ökováros-Ökorégió Alapítvány

Protect the farmers

European Citizens' Initiative:

They are coming together from all over the EU to call for a bee-friendly agriculture that is good for farmers, our health and the environment.

With this European citizens' initiative, the European Commission is being called upon to support an agricultural model that allows farmers and nature to live in harmony.

Green AURA conference - INVITATION

We kindly invite you for an online climate protection conference on March 31, 2021, organised by University of Pécs. Our goal is to present the Green AURA initiative, which promotes the development of environmentally conscious local communities. As first step, we will present for the citizens the climate-friendly developments available at ​​Pécs and Kapronca (Croatia) by augmented reality supported exhibitions.

PosiTivE - What benefits the irregular life situation gave you

The past year has been a challenge for all of us, in which we have learned a lot about ourselves, our environment, our ability to adapt to change.

The University of Pécs wishes to draw attention to the moments and events in mid-March with its photo contest, which, despite the period of trials, meant a positive change, an experience, in our daily lives.

The UP is the greenest university in Hungary

The UP is Hungary’s greenest university

In Education the UP is the best university!

The University of Pécs was ranked 155th in the international ranking of higher education institutions in nearly 50 developing countries, based in London.  With this position, the UP became the best Hungarian rural university, as in the same ranking of previous years.

Let's green up the European Championship together! - Ideas competition

Let's organize together the first green sporting event in our country! - Brainstorming competition

Challenge Design Card

Heti1helyi Campaign

The Dubai Expo is also interested in the HUNGARIAN NEST+ eco-friendly home

The HUNGARIAN NEST+ model house, built by a consortium of the universities of Pécs and Miskolc, combining natural renewable energies and innovative engineering solutions, was a great success at the Solar Dechatlon 2019 World University Innovation Architecture Competition, and is also of interest to the organisers of the Dubai Expo.

Go to the UP! Cultural Festival

This year's first university festival begins today

Go to the UP! Cultural festival shows why it is good to be a university student in Pécs

The greenest Hungarian university is the UP!

This year, the University of Pécs ranked 59th among the 912 universities of the registered 84 countries on the list of world environmentally conscious higher education institutions published on Monday. This also means that the UP is now the most environmentally conscious institution among Hungarian universities.

V4GU Video Competition


IT'S STILL NOT LATE TO WIN THE E-SCOOTER! Smile New submission deadline: June 7, 2021

Researchers Night 2020

Researchers' Night is a festival to propagate science across Europe, with the initiative and support of the European Commission. The aim of the event is to bring researchers and research closer to people, to demonstrate the diversity of research and to draw attention to the impact they have on our daily lives. It is also an important goal to make research careers attractive to young people, thus helping to ensure scientific resupply.

European Waste Reduction Week 2020

Waste reduction at the top level, UP-style, or treat your waste ECO-friendly! Make it invisible!

European Waste Reduction Week 2020 at the University of Pécs


Reduction/elimination of waste sources and emissions

Information campaigns

Waste collection, waste management in the South Transdanubian region

Let's reduce waste together!

Let's compost!

Let's reduce waste together!

Here are some tips for starters:

1. Make a list before you go shopping! So it's unlikely you'll buy unnecessary things.

2. Take your broken equipment to a mechanic before throwing it away.

3. Before you throw away your unnecessary things, think about how much value and help this can be for others. Give to charity.

4. Trade your unused books or clothes with your friends!

Big Challenge - Autumn steps of the UP

The Sports Office of the University of Pécs announces a series of sports programs called "UP Big Challenge" for the academic year 2020/2021, which is joined by the Green University Program and the Protocol and Event Management Office of the Directorate of Relations of the UP.

Further information on the site Egyetemi Sport 

Green babysitter training

The 60-hour Green Babysitter training organized by the Green Bridge Foundation was completed, which was carried out in downtown Pécs between August and October 2020.

"Do you have a good story?" Positive messages, stories, pieces of advice during an epidemic

"Do you have a good story?" Positive messages, stories, pieces of advice during an epidemic

In three languages, Hungarian, English and German, the publication "Do you have a good story?" was published on the website of the Faculty of General Medicine of the University of Pécs, which contains 45 positive messages from the faculty's students, teachers and colleagues.

V4GU International Conference and Green Workshop

We would like to offer you the 3rd event of the V4GU International Conference and Green Workshop, which will be held online by the UP on 22nd September, for which we await the application of our Green University Program Partners and relevant colleagues.

30 countries are expected for the online conference of the UP

The V4GU project, supported by the International Visegrad Fund, was developed by the University of Pécs to support the Green University Program. The UP aims to share climate change information – causes, impacts, actions – in a comprehersible way with as many people as possible, primarily 20,000 students and more than 7,000 employees.

We've spun to the moon!

In two months, the UP MOON BIKE 2020 project has been completed and the international virtual field has even exceeded the original goal!

Details in the attached material!

The best rural university is the UP!

London-based Times Higher Education has published the latest university rankings. The University of Pécs has also been added to the list of the best 150 universities in 93 countries of the world, as the best hungarian country university!

NADÍR 63 - The first champagne of the University Wine Estate of Pécs

The Research Institute of Viticulture and Enology of the UP that is appreciated both nationvide and internationally introducing its first champagne. From this autumn the vines that are exposing results of both education and research are available on the shelves and webshop by the name "University Wine Estate of Pécs".

The wine of the Research Institute of Viticulture and Enology of the UP has been given gold medal on International Competition

775 samples from 15 countries took part in hungary's most prestigious wine competition in Szekszárd in the middle of summer. Summa Cabernet Sauvignon 2017 vintage wine from Pécs was also awarded gold in the quality VinAgora international competition!

The University of Pécs becomes even greener

The Green University Program reached enternational successes last year, this year has received the environmental prize of Pécs-Baranya Chamber of Commerce and Industry.


Full interview on!  




Simonyi Inkubation progra


If you would like to learn how an idea becomes a product or service, apply to the Simonyi Incubation Program! During the programme, you can learn the basics of business development by working on real projects.


Date: 2020. 10 February - 29 April

Location: PTE KTK - Hatchery (B432)

Application deadline: 2020. 16 February

Application: Contact Neptun for the Simonyi Incubation Program or email us.

Campus Credit: Simonyi Incubation Program (6 credits)

Esemény dátuma: 
Monday, February 10, 2020 to Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Floral Hungary

Package free week at the PTE


Do you know how long it takes for the materials and products used in everyday life to decompose in our environment after they're thrown out?

Plant a tree, Read a book under it


Clever Clay

Clever Clay, or Agyas Agyag

Babits Mihály Grammar School of PTE Practice Primary School and joined the RM @ School project coordinated by the Faculty of Earth Sciences of the University of Miskolc. The fourth RM School conference took place on November 5-7, 2019 in Bologna.


European waste reduction week

The European Waste Reduction Week (16 November - 24 November 2019) is planned for university citizens in connection with the University of Pécs as follows.

Green university rankings 2019

The University of Pécs 100-th out of 780 registered universities on the list of World's environment conscious higher education institutes.

To compare last years results it means 40 seeds up for The University of Pécs.

The fresh ranking is available on the website

BAVEP 2020. - Launch event

A professional dialogue with county and city public authorities, educational institutions, companies and service providers on sustainability.

DBU - Postgraduate scholarship on environment-related topics

Do you want to work on a practical, environment-related topic in Germany? Do you want to learn German and be part of an international professional network?

Apply for a DBU scholarship!

Required information:

The scholarship includes:

Art for Planet Earth - international design competition

APE is a biannual design competition with change at its heart. It is about stimulating a shift in the mindset of creatives to encourage responsible thinking. And allowing you to contribute your creativity toward change.

You can read more information on the Art for Planet Earth website, and you can be found the details on the attached poster.

Deadline: 20.08.2020.

Call for proposals "Elimination of illegal dumping - sanctions and instruments"

The Ministry of Innovation and Technology is announcing a tender called "Elimination of illegal dumping - sanctions and instruments"

Applications are accepted from bachelor – and master students, or other daycourse and nightcourse students.

Deadline for submission of the application: 15th April 2020 (Wednesday)

Tender notice in the attachment!

Creative competition for children

The Planetarium of the Zsolnay Cultural Quarter announces a creative competition for children on Earth Day.

Earth Day (22nd April), this year will unfortunately only be possible virtually.
We wonder what the children say on this illustrious day, why our planet is important to them. What is the environmental condition of their place of residence, what is the air, the soil, the water, the garbage?

The UP has ranked outstandingly well

27.04.2020, Pécs

The UP has ranked outstandingly well

10 million trees

We are happy to announce, that community of “10 million trees” beyond the surfaces of webpage and social media: Instagram and facebook, already has an own TV channel available at the link below

Around the world in 40 days - INTERNATIONAL SPRING

"Around the world in 40 days!”
The University of Pécs is launching a nation-wide initiative. Starting with 2nd May, the organizers of the INTERNATIONAL SPRING event series invite cyclists around the country to a 40-day "bike tour" around the Earth.
Let's cycle 40,075 km together (keeping in line with current regulations due to the pandemic, of course). You can ride your exercise bike, touring or road bike, or even a pedal boat, it’s your choice.

Baranya County Environmental Award for the Green University project of the UP

The best of the county's economy were awarded on 14th February by the Pécs-Baranya Chamber of Commerce and Industry. At the event, Green University project of the UP was awarded the Baranya County Environmental Award.

Call for proposals of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology "Elimination of illegal dumping - sanctions and instruments"

"Elimination of illegal dumping - sanctions and instruments" tender notice
The Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM) is announcing a tender entitled "Elimination of illegal dumping - sanctions and instruments"'.

The UP is in the Top 200 in the latest international ranking!

The University of Pécs is among the top 200 universities - the only Hungarian higher education institution in the province - in the latest international ranking of Times Higher Education.

Green babysitter training - changes!

Dear Interested Parties!

In accordance with the measures to combat the spread of the coronavirus epidemic, a change is necessary to the scheduled start date of the training. Thus, the training scheduled for April has been changed. If the epidemic subsides and preventive measures allow, the first start date will be the second half of May 2020. Other option: autumn 2020 (September-October).


Dear University Citizens, Dear Visitors!

Please be informed that the events and programs of the Green University Program of the UP are suspended indefinitely in order to protect the health of the participants. Please follow our website to be informed about any further changes!

Thank you for your understanding!

Best regards,

Organizers of the Green University Program


Call for Proposals "Poetry and Novelty Writing Competition for Sustainability"

he Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM) is launching a literary competition entitled "Poetry and Novelty Writing Competition for Sustainability" in honour of Poetry Day.

Find out what sustainability means to you and write it down in a short story or poem.

The literary competition aims to reward young, amateur and established poets and writers for their work on sustainability.

Details in the attachment!

Hour of the Earth

Join the world's largest volunteer initiative, WWF Earth Hour!
On 28th March at 8:30pm, turn off the lights in your home to show you are ready to stand up for our planet!
Set an example, because from now on we can't do it without you!

Let's create a more nature-centered future together!

The team of the University of Pécs has qualified for the Solar Decathlon, the world's largest ecological architecture competition, where we have the opportunity to show what the green city of the future will look like.

Please help our team to find the best solutions by filling in the test and add your own ideas for a more natural, energy-efficient and humane future!

Thanks in advance for your help!


Stay at home and dance, play sports - The " Digital Dance Space of the UP" opens

Opening of the "digital dance room of the UP" - 16 different dance and aerobics classes to choose from



Do you have a great idea that you would like to develop? Or would you like to start your own business? Then, don’t hesitate to apply to the 5let Outlet and your idea can be selected for the Simonyi Incubation Program. The best ideas will receive a team, mentor, and any additional help develop the ideas into fully -fledged business projects.


Application deadline: 16 February 2020


Esemény dátuma: 
Tuesday, January 28, 2020 to Saturday, February 15, 2020


The Simonyi Summer School is a 3 week-long program that offers a vibrant, interactive and interesting working experience where Hungarian and foreign students, companies as well as researchers get to work together. These innovative entrepreneurial projects aim to assist the development of the South –Danubian region. During the program, teams participate in consultations with project owners, work together on possible solutions and liaise with key stakeholders of the region in order to find the best solution for the companies to implement.


Date: 4-24 July 2020

Esemény dátuma: 
Saturday, July 4, 2020 to Friday, July 24, 2020

The Ocean Cleanup

Are you worried about climate change?

Do you want to do something to save the planet, but don't know how?

Since he was a teenager, Boyan Slat has been working on how to rid our oceans of the giant islands of garbage. By the age of 21, as chairman of his own foundation, he had already developed an ocean cleaning machine that could collect the garbage without harming wildlife.

SIMONYI HACKATHON - For a Greener and Healthier Future

Teddy Bear Family Day

Location of the event: UP Medical School Dr. Romhányi György Hall.

The children can play in the Teddy hospital, Teddy operating-room, Teddy dentistry, Teddy pharmacy with the help of Teddy Bear doctors. Nevertheless, Person Ede with his musical programme (10:30), face painters are waiting for visitors, and there will be the opportunity to view ambulance-, firefighter and police car.

Esemény dátuma: 
Saturday, April 7, 2018

Pharmaceutics Forum


Location of the presentation: UP Szentágothai János Research Center B001 auditorium

Máté Kristóf Harda dr. (DE Faculty of Pharmacy Biopharmacy Department): Probiotics and their appropriate usage, seasoned with curiosity.

Esemény dátuma: 
Thursday, March 1, 2018

Pharmaceutics Forum

Location of the programme: UP Szentágothai Research Center B001 auditorium

Ádám Dávid dr. (EGIS Pharmacy Zrt.): What makes the pill a sandwich? Trip to the world of multilayer pills.

Esemény dátuma: 
Thursday, April 5, 2018

Pharmaceutics Forum


Location of the programme: UP Szentágothai Research Center B001 auditorium


Miklós Nyitrai professor (UP Medical School Biophysics Institution): The structure and operation of the miozin16b with the eyes of a biophysicist

Esemény dátuma: 
Thursday, April 12, 2018

Opened University

We fondly welcome you to the next presentation held in October of the renewed Opened University programme series of the 25 years old Universitas Television of the University of Pécs.

The presentation is for free.


Kata Csekő dr.- Smoking cigarette or smoking weed? - Who tickers more?

University Library and Knowledge Center- Jubilee university history monography volume review

Location: Knowledge Center, 0. floor, conference room (2/a Universitas street, Pécs)

The event is greeted by Gyula Berke dr. president substitute

The volume is introduced by Ágnes Dárdai dr. Fischerné dr. director-general (Library and Knowledge Center of the University of Pécs)


Esemény dátuma: 
Thursday, March 1, 2018

” For a cleaner environment”- Volunteer action on the University of Pécs

Like last year’s YouPick event, a waste collecting action was organised this year too on 10th October 2018, on 6 collecting points ( Szántó Office-block, Secondary School 1, Secondary School 2, Rókus street- Humane Politics Managership, Faculty of Business and Economics Teachers’ Training Center, Medical School Dean’s Office), with the participation of more than 200 people. This year the University of Pécs has also latched on to the X. Jubilee House-cleaning programme organised by the University of Debrecen.

Esemény dátuma: 
Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Opened University

Location: University of Pécs FEEFi Hall (1/B. Szántó Kovács János street, Pécs)

Presenter: Krisztián Szűcs dr.  economist

Title of the presentation: Is the behaviour of consumers predictable?

Esemény dátuma: 
Tuesday, April 10, 2018

City development concept plans

On 9th April 2018, MA students of architecture, Undivided architect and MA architect students are presenting their mid-year plans within the confines of a conference, and they prepare a debut exhibition in the hall of Boszorkány street. The theme of the conference is a common town designing project within the confines of Croatian-Hungarian collaboration with Croatian-Hungarian locations.

Esemény dátuma: 
Monday, April 9, 2018

The collaboration of higher education in the utilization of research results

Press release

The collaboration of higher education in the utilization of research results

"Unpacked Holidays" action

The European Waste Reduction Week is an initiative organized in the last week of November each year. As part of this, enthusiastic volunteers highlight the importance of preventing waste, reducing the amount produced, reusing products, and recycling materials by implementing their action ideas.

Christmas is coming and with it the time for disposable packaging.

"Autumn in the Botanical Garden"

The Botanical Garden of the University of Pécs is open for visitors on 2nd-3rd November from 10 am to 4 pm, titled "Autumn in the Botanical Garden". In the park, you can admire the beautiful foliage colours of the autumn, the ornamental fruit of the shrubs, as well as the citrus fruits, cocoa, and coffee trees already in the greenhouses. Besides the sights, we also offer plant sales, consultancy and the possibility of making photos.

Esemény dátuma: 
Friday, November 2, 2018 to Saturday, November 3, 2018

European Waste Reduction Week - Reducing paper use, usage of recycled paper

As part of a series of programs planned for the European Waste Reduction Week, reducing paper use and introducing recycled paper from 17/11/2018. Including the introduction of making a business card made from recycled paper by University Press for university staff and setting double printing as the default. Finally the introduction of a caption at the bottom of emails sent from university email addresses: "Kérem, ne nyomtassa ki ezt az e-mailt, kivéve ha szükséges! Think green - Please do not print this e-mail, unless it's necessary!"

Esemény dátuma: 
Saturday, November 17, 2018

European Waste Reduction Week – Voluntary residential handing down of electrical and electronic waste

Collecting electrical and electronic waste with the involment of Hungarian Maltese Charity Service: 19th November 2018 from 7.00am to 10.00 am at 2 collection points:

Szántó Office Center 7.00am-8.30am

80. Rákóczi street: 9.00am-10.00am, at a designated parking area

Esemény dátuma: 
Monday, November 19, 2018

European Waste Reduction Week –Voluntary residential handing down the expired medicines

Organizing voluntary residential handing down the expired medicinespublic with the involvement of UNIV Pharmacy in the European Waste Reduction Week Program Series.

The submission date is 20th November 2018 from 7.30 am to 9:30 am at 3 collection points:

1 / b. Szántó Kovács János street, Pécs

80. Rákóczi street, Pécs

6. Ifjúság road Pécs

Esemény dátuma: 
Tuesday, November 20, 2018

VII. Szentágothai Day

We cordially invite people interested in VII. Celebration of Saintagotha ​​Day from 10 am on 12th November 2018 at the Szentágothai János Research Center, University of Pécs.

Dr. Tamás Bíró professor will give a lecture at the event, which title of Chili, Cannabis, Forrest Gump. For the fifth time, the Szentágothai Prize and the Junior Szentágothai Prize will be awarded. The winners will present their work with an interesting presentation.

Esemény dátuma: 
Monday, November 12, 2018

European Waste Reduction Week on 17th-25th November 2018

The European Waste Reduction Week is an initiative that takes place in the last week of November each year, where volunteers raise awareness of the importance of reducing waste and recycling materials by implementing their action ideas.

The University of Pécs has applied for the organization of the European Waste Reduction Week (17th-25th November 2018) coordinated by the Ministry of Innovation and Technology. To act out the action successfully:

"Autumn in the Botanical Garden"


HUB Collaborations Innovation Days in Pécs

Between 19th-20th November 2018, the University of Pécs will host an international event, organized by several departments of the University of Pécs, which will be joined by the partners of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in a new initiative, providing an opportunity to establish international research, education and business relations.

Details of the program series can be found at


Esemény dátuma: 
Monday, November 19, 2018 to Tuesday, November 20, 2018

MODIFIED! European Waste Reduction Week - Lectures about "Waste"

Today's presentation (22nd November 2018, 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm) about "Waste" has been merged with the following lecture on Thursday next week due to the similarity of the topic.

Thank you in advance for your understanding and we look forward to seeing you next week!

EGSC Rose Garden

Members of the English-German Student Council of the University of Pécs Medical School have planted their first rose garden in front of the Science Building.

The university’s Green Team helped the council members prepare the soil and plant the roses.

You can see the photo galleries HERE.

The coolest bus in Pécs with the participation of students of the University of Pécs

The University of Pécs has also joined the European Mobility Week program, which aims to raise awareness of sustainable transport alternatives in cities, such as Pécs, such as walking, cycling or public transport.

The University of Pécs was awarded an energy-efficient Mentor Award

In the spring of this year, the University of Pécs joined the Virtual Power Plant Program (VPPP), one of the major innovative projects in the field of sustainable energy in Europe. The idea and mentor of the program are the Hungarian Innovation and Efficiency Nonprofit (MI6) Ltd., which since 2011 has been a key player in the development of domestic green economic policy strategy. The patron of the competition is Dr. János Áder, President, and Dr.

Subject starter roundtable discussion

We are inviting participants to the Green University Program for a subject starter roundtable discussion to further development in the "Education and Research" sector. The purpose of the meeting is to review the opportunities for the draw in of students and the active participation in the Green University Program, as well as the details of the workshop on Sustainability held in spring in 2019.

Location: 413 Meeting room, 1/b, Szántó Kovács János street, Pécs

Esemény dátuma: 
Thursday, January 24, 2019

European Mobility Week 16 - 22 September 2019

Dear University Citizen,

  • Could you endure a week or even just a day without a car?
  • Would you do for a more sustainable environment and for your health?
  • Do you like alternative ways of transport?
  • Do you like games and challenges?


Then „European Mobility Week” is for You! Ten thousand steps in Pécs!

Do you accept the challenge? Leave your car at home and walk with us!

Solar Decathlon 2019 - The Hungarian Nest + Model House has been highly recognized

"The jury of the Solar Decathlon University Innovation House Building ward, rewarded the Hungarian Nest + project, the sample house marked in the consortium of the University of Pécs, the University of Miskolc and the Algerian Blidai Saad Dahlad University with four awards.

Baranya County Sustainability - International workshop

On July 15, the president and vice president of the University of Indonesia's GreenMetric Survey Coordinating Team, Prof. Riri Fitri Sari and Mr. Junaidi, has come to the University of Pécs to be acquainted with the institution's commitment to sustainability and to personally introduce the past, the present an the future of the ranking list of the world’s green universities, international trends, indicators of the competition, the process of data provision.

Solar Decathlon 2019 - University of Pécs at the World University Architecture Competition

The Solar Decathlon is the world's most significant international innovation competition in the field of construction, where this year the team of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology of the University of Pécs in collaboration with the teams of the University of Miskolc and the University of Blida, Algeria will also compete.

’Pass it back bro’ aka mobile phones for chimpanzees and gorillas’

Is there an old mobil phone in the drawer that you no longer use or need?

On the World Environment Day (05.06.2019) we launched the ’Pass it back bro’ aka mobile phones for chimpanzees and gorillas’ - campaign.

Bring your old mobile phone, drop it in our bin, and help save the lives of gorilla populations!

First collection period: 05/06/2019 – 06/13/2019

"The Blue Economy" - Presentation by dr. Tibor Kiss, associate professor

"The Blue Economy!" Dr. Tibor Kiss, associate professor (Institute of Quantitative Management, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Pécs) holds a lecture organized together by the Green University Program and the Green Library working group of University Library and Centre for Learning.

Location: Conference room on the ground floor, University Library and Centre for Learning

Participation is free, all interested are welcomed!

’Water shortage: metropolitan life without services’ video award


TETTYE FORRÁSHÁZ Ltd. and the University of Pécs announced a video competition for full-time students of the UP within the framework of the Green University Program. The purpose of the competition is to draw attention to the role of utility drinking water and wastewater services in urban life, which has become a natural and essential for today.


The Vineyard and Wine Research Institution of Pécs is 70 years old

"How long can physical shape be maintained?" lecture

The 13th Ornamental Exhibition and Fair closed with a record number of visitors

The weather was propitious to nature lovers this year too. After the cool, rainy days, it was a specifically pleasant time for people who love plants to look, walk and shop in the Botanical Garden of the University of Pécs. This year, the traditional spring program of the Botanical Garden has attracted 5,000 visitors, more than ever before.

13th Ornamental Exhibition and Fair in the Botanical Garden in Pécs

We welcome all visitors to the Botanical Garden of the University of Pécs for the "Horticultural Exhibition and Fair" with the introduction of mini gardens - watering gardens.

Location: Botanical Garden of the University of Pécs; 6. Ifjúság Road, Pécs

Date: 18-19. May (Saturday and Sunday) 10am to 6pm.

More information on the poster.

Students of University of Pécs at the L'Oreal Brandstorm Finals

Students of the University of Pécs can represent the Hungarian-Czech-Slovak region at the L'Oréal Brandstorm final in Paris after winning the regional round. Their idea was to make a silicone-based, sustainable, reusable, smart face mask with digital sensors that hydrate the skin from one area to another, and according to the needs of the skin, while the related application provides skincare and makeup tips to users.

Virtual Power Plant Program roundtable discussion and memorandum of understanding signature

Date: 10/4/2019, 1-3pm

Location: Rector's Office, Senate Hall (4. Vasvári Pál street)


Earth Day on Tettye

Location: Tettye square (ruins area)

We are looking forward to welcoming all of you on Saturday. Earth Day at the tent of University of Pécs!

You can find more information about the event on the page of Danube-Drava National Park and  Facebook.

Participation in the program is free!

Protect the Earth! Dress in green!



Future economists compete in Pécs!

The Faculty of Economics of the University of Pécs hosted the XXXIV. National Scientific Students' Conference 11-13 April 2019.

After a long time, the young economists of the country were able to compare their knowledge again in Pécs, since the last time held in 1995. The students presented their research and results in 44 sections at the event. The number of scientific papers exceeded 400.

InnoPécs 2019

The INPUT Program organizes the InnoPécs Exhibition and Professional Conference, which is located on the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology of the University of Pécs. The aim of the event is to present through successful projects and businesses in Pécs, that Pécs is a city, where good to be an entrepreneur and where you can achieve not only domestic but also international success.

Medical School of the University of Pécs at the Future Hospital exhibition

For the first time this year, the Simulation Education Center, the Department of Operative Medicine and the 3D Printing and Visualization Center of the School Medicine of University of Pécs at the Future Hospital exhibition was represented on the Hungarian Hospital Association XXXI Congress.

Earth Day in Zsolnay Quarter

Joint event of the Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences of the University of Pécs and the Zsolnay Quarter Planetarium

Detailed program information is available HERE.

Pet-bottle free University of Pécs

University of Pécs takes action against plastic PET bottle

The University of Pécs is the first among Hungarian higher education institutions to stop purchasing plastic PET bottled water and drinks. Seventy free water filling stations will be installed instead.

Do we live off our earnings or do we survive?

About international trade with an environmental eye.

Workshop on the challenges that European Union is facing in the apropos of the European elections.

Date: 16/4/2019, 2pm

Location: Z/018 room, Faculty of Law, University of Pécs



Bike&Breakfast by EGSC and HÖK

EGSC and HÖK are organizing a Bicycle Breakfast again on 9 April, from 8 pm at the main entrance of the Medical School. Guests arriving by bicycle will be regaled with coffee and a pastry.

The first 200 cyclists will receive a small gift. The luckiest students can win from valuable surprises. (Even some helmets will be drawn in a raffle!)

Take the garbage up! Volunteering for Clean Hungary 2019

Volunteering for Clean Hungary is today the largest volunteer movement in Hungary. This year it has been held for the eighth time. Between 18-24 March, 2019 volunteers of ‘Take the garbage up!’ as part of the garbage collecting campaign cleaned up all over the country.

Tree of Europe 2019 – The almond tree of Pécs was triumphant!

The result of the vote, which have been closed on 28th February, was announced in Brussels on 19th March: almond tree of Pécs became the European Tree of the Year with 45 132 votes. We would like to express our gratitude to the citizens of the University of Pécs who voted for one of the honor of our city in this noble competition.

Green workshop 2

The main goal of our event is to get acquainted with the best practices and new approaches to sustainability and sustainable management with the participation of Hungarian environmentally conscious universities.

Date: 13/03/2019 10am - 3pm

Location: Szántó Office Building, Section room (Szántó K. J. street 1 / b., Pécs)

Photos from the event are available in the GALLERY.

One wine of the Vineyard and Wine Research Institute of Pécs received a gold medal

559 entries have arrived to the XVIII. National Syngenta Wine Competition, more than ever before. Almost one third of the gold medals got into the Pannon wine region, but the only gold medal of Pécs was brought by the Summa Merlot 2017 wine of the Vineyard and Wine Research Institute of Pécs.

International Evening 2019

On 9th March, the English-German Student Union will host the International Evening, which will welcome more than 3,500 guests.

University of Pécs is an energy efficient institution officially now

The University of Pécs, as the first Hungarian university, has joined the Virtual Power Plant Program (VPP), one of the three best sustainable energy efficiency programs according to the European Union. As part of the program, university leaders received the Energy Efficient Institute and Energy Conscious School awards in the Parliament this Wednesday.

German Federal Environmental Foundation scholarship application

The German Federal Environmental Foundation is launching a scholarship application for a traineeship in Germany.

Duration and purpose of the scholarship:

The duration of the scholarship is 6 months, that can be extended for further 6 months. Applications may be made in the fields of environment and nature protection, environmental and nature research, sustainability, environment-centered monument conservation (in the fields of engineering, science and social sciences ...).

The almond tree in Pécs is in the tree of Europe competition

The winner of the 2018 Tree of the Year competition, the almond tree from Pécs, enters this year's Tree of Europe competition. From 01.02.2019 (Friday), we will be able to vote for the almond tree to finish again in a distinguished place:

University of Pécs ranks in the narrow elite among the world's green universities

The University of Pécs was ranked 140th from 719 registered universities in the ranking list of the world's most environmentally responsible higher education institutions this year. Compared to last year's result, this represents a 39-position improvement for the University of Pécs, making it the second "greenest" Hungarian university by comparison.

Tropics in the winter - in the Botanical Garden

The Greenhouses of the Botanical Garden of the University of Pécs await families and the dear interested ones with a tropical atmosphere on 27-28th December from 10 am to 2 pm. The greenhouses are full of colorful parrot flowers, bromeliads, and a specialty of the cocoa tree that has been consumed by Indians in South America for 3,500 years can be visited.

14th Emergency Days in Pécs

“Let’s go to the square! - Heroize with us! "- flashmob to popularize the learning of reanimation

European Mobility Week 16-22 September

Dear University Citizen!

"Walk and play with us!"

  •       Could you do without a car for a week, or at least one day?
  •       Would you work towards a more sustainable, healthier environment?
  •       Do you like alternative means of transport?
  •       Do you like games and challenges?

The „European Mobility Week” is for You! Ten thousand steps in Pécs!

Pet-bottle free University of Pécs

University of Pécs takes action against plastic PET bottle

The University of Pécs is the first among Hungarian higher education institutions to stop purchasing plastic PET bottled water and drinks. Seventy free water filling stations will be installed instead.

PTE starts out as the most cycling university title

The Academic Bicycle Challenge (ABC) is the new international cycling contest for universities and colleges. The ABC wants to find the most active cycling institutions of higher education worldwide. Our university is joining the ABC in September 2018. Together we will be able to proof that we are awesome on the bicycle as well!

More solar panels on the buildings of the up

PRESS RELEASE           

more solar panels on the buildings of the UP! 

Levél Csapda