The Earth Hour - March showcase exhibition


Join the Earth Hour! Turn off, but keep your eyes open! - Showcase exhibition

Protecting our natural treasures is only possible with dedicated environmentalists like you!

In these difficult times, Earth Hour 2022 will be another moment of solidarity, and also a chance to care for each other and our common home, the Earth.

It is critical to creating a world around us where people live in harmony with each other and with nature, and this is only possible in times of peace.

Turn off, but keep your eyes open! From 20:30 on 26 March, for one hour, turn off your lights and all electronic devices in your home,

to show your support for the preservation of our natural heritage.

The exhibition related to Earth Hour can be visited at the South Transdanubian Regional Library and Knowledge Centre, level 0 lobby, next to the registration desk (2/A Universitas street, Pécs).

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