Our environment - our health - our future competition

The second round of the 6th edition of the Our environment - our health - our future competition, the Ecogame, took place on 27th April in the Botanical Garden of the University of Pécs, with 324 children from six institutions from three cities participating in the first online round. 25 kindergarten and first-grade students and 64 primary school students took part in the Ecogame. In a playful environment, the teams of four learned about the Furoshiki packaging technique and herbs in the context of conscious shopping. They were able to answer riddles, carry out experiments with different soaps, create cap pictures, play logic board games, and solve puzzles. The jury was composed of the head of the Botanical Garden of the University of Pécs, the Program Coordinator of the Green University Program of the University of Pécs, and teachers from the No.1 Practical Primary School of the University of Pécs. All participants received a gift donated by the Rector's Office of the UP, the Green University Program of the UP, and Mecsekerdő Ltd.

