In Education the UP is the best university!

The University of Pécs was ranked 155th in the international ranking of higher education institutions in nearly 50 developing countries, based in London.  With this position, the UP became the best Hungarian rural university, as in the same ranking of previous years.

The University of Pécs was included in the Times Higher Education “Emerging Economies” rankings and became one of the top 600 institutions ranked in 48 countries. The countries classed as "developing economies" were the countries that were contested and a total of 606 universities were taken into account in the final order. Thus, it can be said that the university of Pécs is located in the first quarter of the list, as the best Hungarian rural higher education institution in this ranking, and only Semmelweis (64th) and ELTE (147th) overtake the UP among Hungarian universities.  

The ranking takes into account the same 13 performance indicators as the world rankings of THE. They examine each university's strengths in the main areas of activity: education, research, knowledge transfer and international appearance, "visibility".

-"Compared to last year, our university has improved more than 20 positions in this ranking." – quoted Attila Miseta, Rector of the UP. "If I add that the number of universities in the rankings has doubled in a few years, it will increase the value of this result even more. It is also a source of pride that the UP has become the strongest Hungarian university in the education category. At the same time, I am convinced that we can move up from here, and we will do everything we can to achieve this goal," as the rector of the institution quoted. 

The full ranking, published on Tuesday afternoon, is available here:!/page/0/length/25/sort_by/rank/sort_order/asc/cols/stats


Further Information:

Gergely Kottász

UP press officer  



