The University of Pécs participated in the 6th Steering Committee Meeting of the UI GreenMetric World University Rankings Network on 27th September 2022. The Steering Committee meeting was attended by Prof. Dr. Ing. Chin-Lung Chang, President of the event, on behalf of the host university - National Pingtung University of Science & Technology. Then, the UI GreenMetric WUR was represented by Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari M.Sc., MM. Reference was made to the previous international workshops and the fact that last year's UI GreenMetric World University Rankings had already measured nearly 1000 universities. There was a discussion about the programmes and collaborations expected this year. The University of Pécs is participating in the UI GreenMetric WUR Network in the development of the 2nd online course on sustainability. The discussion then continued on the report prepared by the national coordinators. Tünde Kulcsár, representing UP, reported on UP's efforts in the field of sustainability.
On 28-29th September 2022, the 8th International Workshop on UI GreenMetric World University Rankings (IWGM 2022) was held online. The workshop included parallel sessions to share best practices over the 2 days of the event. Dr. Viktor Glied from the University of Pécs gave a presentation entitled "Every green step counts" and shared his thoughts with colleagues from other universities committed to sustainable development.