
RESULT ANNOUNCEMENT! - School recipe competition in terms of the vegetarian October and meat-free Friday

The jury had a tough time deciding between spectacular and creative recipe ideas. The following teams and their recipes were the winners. Congratulations to them!

Special Grand Prize: Kitchen Fairies- UP Deák; 4.b

A new level of cooperation between the UP and MVM

On Friday morning, MVM Plc. and the University of Pécs signed a cooperation agreement under which Hungary's fourth largest group of companies, the thirteenth largest in Central Europe, and "Hungary's first university" will jointly work to promote the effective implementation and application of the strategic vision of the National Energy Strategy and the National Energy and Climate Plan, and to promote the widespread use of environmentally friendly energy sources.

"YouPick! - Voluntarily for a clean Hungary"

This year, for the ninth time, the volunteers of YouPick! could "clean" between 18-24 October 2021.

In the waste collection action, the UP Affiliated Primary and Secondary School No. 1., the pupils and teachers of the UP Affiliated Babits Mihály High School, and the volunteers of the UP College for Sustainable Development took part.

We have found the winner of the UP Moonbike Grand Prize!

For the second time, the UP has announced the popular 

"What does our diet has to do with sustainability" ONLINE Lecture

Dear University Citizen!

We cordially invite you to the ONLINE lecture of Zoltán Szabó, Assistant Research Fellow of the Department of Food and Nutrition at the Faculty of Health Sciences of the UP on 6 October (Wednesday) starting at 16:00 on the following topic:

School recipe competition in the spirit of the vegetarian October and meat-free Friday

In the spirit of the vegetarian October and meat-free Friday, we announce a "vegetarian" recipe competition for the students of the Deák Ferenc Primary School and the Babits Mihály Teachers' Training Practice School of the University of Pécs.


Stroll to Selmec!

The University of Sopron announces the "Stroll to Selmec" program. All university students can join the program!

October "Green Gastronomy"

Dear University Citizen!

We would like to recommend you to the UP "Green Gastronomy" series of events in the spirit of the vegetarian October!

  • 4th October (Monday) 18:00: What do you put in your basket? - Round table discussion

Location: 12 Szigeti street, UP Medical School (exact location to be announced later)

"Pass it back, bro!" - autumn mobile phone collection campaign

The "Pass it back, Bro!" used mobile phone collection campaign is running for the fourth year, announced by the Jane Goodall Institute and joined by the Unievrsity of Pécs through the Baranyai Virtual Power Plant Program (BAVEP partners: the University of Pécs, Hungarian Innovation and Efficiency Nonprofit Ltd, Pécs Municipality, Pécs-Baranya Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Baranya County Municipality, Pécs Diocese, Leőwey Klára High School of Pécs).

Ecocaching 16-26th September


Explore bicycle roads in Pécs

during the European Mobility Week, 16-26th September, 2021

Ecocaching in Pécs, now on your bicycle!

Explore the city with your bike, look for QR codes at the locations on the map.

Answer the questions and exchange your kilometres for green gifts.


Levél Csapda