Creative competition for children

The Planetarium of the Zsolnay Cultural Quarter announces a creative competition for children on Earth Day.

Earth Day (22nd April), this year will unfortunately only be possible virtually.
We wonder what the children say on this illustrious day, why our planet is important to them. What is the environmental condition of their place of residence, what is the air, the soil, the water, the garbage?

The essence of the call is for children of preschool and school age to create at home with a freely chosen technique (e.g. drawing, clay, photo, crafting from recycled material) on the subject, and to send the finished works by photographing/scanning them in a message on the facebook page of the Planetarium in Pécs.

If you have visited us, the memory and knowledge obtained from the programs here (e.g. Planetarium, Magic Clock, Labor-Playground, Hercules Workshop) may also appear in the works.

All participants receive a discounted ticket to the Planetarium (the participant + 1 person will receive a 50 percent discount for a advertised performance of their choice).

The best works will be displayed as cover images on the Planetárium Pécs facebook page and will be exhibited in the next Astronomical Week.

1. Preschoolers
2. Primary school primary (classes 1-4)
3. Primary school upper school (classes 5-8)

The name and age of the creator should also be indicated in the message. By participating in the competition, the creators consent to the public publication of their data.

Deadline: 20th April 2020 6 p.m.


Levél Csapda