Solar Decathlon 2019 - The Hungarian Nest + Model House has been highly recognized
"The jury of the Solar Decathlon University Innovation House Building ward, rewarded the Hungarian Nest + project, the sample house marked in the consortium of the University of Pécs, the University of Miskolc and the Algerian Blidai Saad Dahlad University with four awards.
The “cube house”, namely the renovation of a building with low-budget passive, energy-efficient installation of vernacular elements and the design of an additional energy building combined with additional technological knowledge, reinterpreted by the students of Pécs and Miskolc, was ranked second in the architectural category and third in the energy efficiency category.
Among the innovative technological features of the Hungarian Nest +, solutions and ideas have been recognized, such as: Venturi tower under the building, which allows passive air exchange, summer cooling and winter sun exposure of the premises of the building; the mobile sunspace on the south side, which supplies the building with a polycarbonate sliding wall as a solar shell in winter; mobile living spaces, which are freely combinable elements of the house in all types of installation, respond to different family sizes and family structural deficiencies; "smart" furniture made from recycled materials, or building control automation that simultaneously controls, monitors and analyses building performance based on specified control instructions and learns owner-generated responses to various environmental influences.
Dr. Tamás Kondor and dr. Balázs Kósa are architects and team leaders of Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology of the University of Pécs, introduced me to the philosophy of the building: ’The motto of the project - Nature is not a place to visit, but our home. This thesis is not only about the use of natural materials and the utilisation of green energies, but also has a particular emphasis on the embeddedness of the building, in its natural environment. The expanded garden reality of the inner living space, with the green roof planted on the canopy and the living greenery stolen in the inner atrium courtyard, provides the oxygen-rich space essential for a healthy life.’
Dr. Gabriella Medvegy, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology of the University of Pécs, said apropos of the awards: ’Our students have shown a gentle and sensitive response and direction for the sustainable development of the hereditary architectural environment and the formation of energy-conscious existence. This is a dynamically varying field, in ideal case quality, innovation, functionality and human focus predominate simultaneously. We competed with teams from universities where architecture discipline is among world leaders and working in such a "club", if only just for a few weeks, is very inspiring. On the other hand, it gives an accurate and honest insight into where we are. It takes an amazing concentration to participate in a world competition like Solar Decathlon and it is useful, perspective, that our students have experienced it in international space.’
The Hungarian Nest + project was awarded a special prize by ÉVOS (National Association of Building Contractors). The Community and Fair Play prize proves how strong the presence, the organizing power, the attitude and relation towards the competition of Pécs and Miskolc were.
With the announcement of results, only the competition of model houses has ended. The "Solar Village" welcomes the visitors until 29th September, visit for more information!
Written by: Vilma Both
Source: UnivPécs