Green Roundtable organized by the Green University Program of the UP
On the initiative of the Green University Program of the University of Pécs, a Green Round Table - Green Brunch event was organized with the active participation of 24 participants from 16 organizations (local companies and institutions). The main objective of the event was to establish a Green Round Table with the participation of institutions, companies and organizations from Pécs committed to the implementation and achievement of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals, where there is a regular opportunity to share good practices in the field of sustainability, to learn about new approaches, to explore cooperation opportunities and to organise joint actions in order to spread the developments serving sustainability goals as widely as possible.
Participating institutions and companies:
- University of Pécs
- Baranya Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- BAT Pécs Tobacco Factory
- BIOKOM Environmental management Ltd.
- Dél-Kom Nonprofit Ltd.
- InnoTeq Ltd.
- Kontakt-Elektro Ltd.
- Körber Hungary
- LAFARGE Cement Hungary Ltd.
- Pannon Thermal Power Plant Plc.
- Pécs Brewery
- Pécs Asset Recovery Plc.
- PÉTÁV Pécs District heating Ltd.
- Rovitex Homedeco Ltd.
- Tettye Plc.
- Tükebus Plc.
The Green Round Table event launched a common thinking on sustainability, encouraging local institutional actors and businesses to follow values in their everyday decisions and to organize initiatives and programs together that ensure the achievement of sustainable development in the region, thus contributing to the implementation of the responsibilities set out in the National Sustainable Development Framework Strategy. In addition to strengthening its position as a research university, the UP aims to become a green beacon and a leading innovation centre in the wider region. To this end, it will seek to expand its international and domestic network of contacts not only with scientific institutes and partner universities, but also with as many economic players as possible.
For more information:
Tünde Kulcsár, UP Green University Program - Program Coordinator,