NotADrop – used cooking oil collection organized by Green University Program of the UP
The University makes significant efforts in terms of waste management to reduce the amount of waste generated. The headline target is to reduce the proportion of communal waste by separating recyclable waste as much as possible into the already existing new recycling metal containers, which are accessable at all sites throughout the university grounds.
This is how the idea came about to start collecting cooking oil in such a way that not only the university students, but also the citizens of Pécs can participate, similar to the practice of several Hungarian settlements. UP has many locations throughout the city, it covers Pécs with a slight exaggeration, and the vast majority of locations are open during the day, so the general public can also be involved in the collection of used cooking oil. No other university in Hungary has done this. Biotrans Ltd. was a partner in this, who have extensive experience in the hygienic and practical collection of cooking oil. The company provides the "hardware", i.e. supplying our locations with collection containers and undertook to finance the sticker signaling of these containers, which we could customize to our own image. Furthermore, they provided an additional 5-litre special heat-resistant containers, so that students can collect their used cooking oil directly in the kitchens at their dormitory. UP provided the "software" for the collaboration, i.e. we organize the collection among both students and university citizens, and with continuous promotion we encourage the general public to become our partner in this action. We hope that with this environmentally responsible thinking, we can take another step towards sustainable daily operations.
We will start the program at the beginning of November. It matters a lot where the used cooking oil goes. A single drop of used cooking oil can contaminate up to 1,000 liters of living water, so it should be never poured down the drain. This is also important for us because most of all we want to shape the students' attitudes towards the environment, but also because of a technical point of view, we are expecting the reduction of blockages in the sewage network.
The collection of used cooking oil starts at the 21 UP on-site collection points at the beginning. I would like to point out again that some of the collection points are open not only to UP citizens, but also to the general public, and this service is available not only in Pécs, but also in Zalaegerszeg, Szombathely and Szekszárd UP locations.
The collection system is "drop-free": the oil must be thrown into the collector in closed packaging, thus preventing contamination of the collector's environment. The delivery itself is extremely simple. All that needs to be done is to let the used cooking oil cool down, pour the cooled cooking oil back into the same oil bottle in which it was purchased, or give new life to a used plastic bottle and pour it into it, and then throw it in the main used cooking oil container.
Biotrans Ltd pays HUF 25 per kilo of collected cooking oil, which we intend to use within the framework of the Green University Program in the surroundings of our sites, where our employees are at the forefront of the collection, hand in hand with the public.
The University's III. mission activity is to building external relations, not to mention the formation of attitudes concerning sustainability, which is perhaps also the duty of an institution where we train future generations. Leaving the walls of the University, we believe that this can also be a tool in the series of activities with which the University can contribute to the development of its immediate environment. Within the framework of the Green University Program, the UP has been at the forefront so far.
We therefore intend to use the incoming funds for actions and joint activities that will further strengthen environmentally conscious behavior among citizens. We see great potential and added value in the community building that is built in this way, in which we want to involve the local city and civil organizations as well.
More information and a map of the collection sites: