Ashoka Green Lab Program

The Ashoka Green Lab Program is an open, youth-driven, concrete environmental challenge-solving program that aims to create more viable, scalable businesses with measurable positive environmental impact in Hungary.

The program is for you, if

     you are willing to participate in a 4-5 month development process,

     where you will work with our business partners and mentors

     to develop an idea to address the environmental challenges identified in the proposal and then develop a complete business plan based on this idea,

     you are young people between the age of 17-35,

     in teams of 2-5 people.

Why is it worth applying?

     During the development process, you will acquire the Design Thinking methodology through experiential learning and turn the idea into a professional business plan.

     Group and individual mentoring from business and professional mentors.

     At the end of the program, projects will be presented to the public through a communication campaign. The best projects will be rewarded with a cash prize at the final event of the program (HUF 1 million total prize money to be distributed among the best teams.)

Detailed information and application:

Deadline for entries: 15 March 2022 (midnight) 


Levél Csapda