Pass it back, Bro!

For the fourth year, a second-hand mobile phone collection campaign named "Pass it back, Bro!" was launched by the Jane Goodall Institute and joined by the UP in the framework of the Baranya Virtual Power Plant Program (BAVEP partners: University of Pécs, Hungarian Innovation and Efficiency Nonprofit Ltd., Municipality of Pécs County, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Pécs-Baranya, Baranya County Municipality, Diocese of Pécs, Klára Leőwey High School of Pécs).

This year's first campaign phase started on 1st May, 2021 and runs until 30th June, but will be announced by World Environment Day at 5th June due to the school year's closing.

The campaign is gaining popularity, with participants collecting a total of 2.5 tons of mobile phones in more than 640 locations since 2018.

The aim of the cooperative organizations with the campaign is to take over as many data-free mobile devices, GPS or tablets and chargers used as donations as possible, thereby helping the circular economy- thereby saving the habitat of Congolese primates and the lives of local communities. 

Our mobile phones require minerals whose extraction is a serious environmental hazard, and the work is often carried out by enslaved children. Such is the choline mining, which is ravaging gorilla populations in the heart of Africa. The destruction of rainforests is hand-held by poaching, which together brings highly protected species to the brink of extinction.

Think about whether you need a new phone, bring your old phone to the collection points. According to the principles of the circular economy, metals extracted from recovered phones during processing are recycled.

"Every little act counts. Every single person can do something, every single day and every minute, to make the world a better place." - Dr.Jane Goodall


Levél Csapda