Renewable selective waste collection at the UP

Renewable selective waste collection at UP

New, waste collection containers made of metal, new collection order!

The University of Pécs is renewing selective waste collection: new types of selective waste collection containers made of metal will be placed in the university buildings.

The new containers will take the place of the previously installed selective waste containers made of cardboard.

Chancellor István Decsi said in connection with the transformation: "From the end of September, university citizens will be able to use the new selective waste collection containers, which will be marked with signs showing exactly which recyclable waste can be collected in them. The procedure for disposing of confidential documents remains unchanged: they can be placed in selective waste collectors in a shredded state after document destruction, as was customary in the past."

In parallel with the change of image, the order of waste collection is also changing. According to previous practice, recyclable waste of different materials was placed in separate containers. In the new system, in line with the waste collection and transport methodology of the public service provider, paper, plastic and metal waste can be collected mixed with each other.

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Levél Csapda