"Pass it back, bro!" - autumn mobile phone collection campaign

The "Pass it back, Bro!" used mobile phone collection campaign is running for the fourth year, announced by the Jane Goodall Institute and joined by the Unievrsity of Pécs through the Baranyai Virtual Power Plant Program (BAVEP partners: the University of Pécs, Hungarian Innovation and Efficiency Nonprofit Ltd, Pécs Municipality, Pécs-Baranya Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Baranya County Municipality, Pécs Diocese, Leőwey Klára High School of Pécs).

This year's second campaign period will start on 22nd September 2021 and will run until 22nd November.

The aim of the campaign is to collect as many data-free mobile devices, GPS or tablets and their chargers as possible, thus promoting the circular economy and helping to save the habitat of the Congolese primates and the lives of local communities.

Please watch our video below, including motivational words from Dr Jane Goodall:

"Every action counts. Every day, every person can make a difference!" Dr. Jane Goodall

Youtube videó: 
Levél Csapda