GreenIdea – How to make a university sustainable?

WITH the Green University Program of the University of Pécs

Short description

The idea of the “Green University” is a complex system including built environment, ecologically conscious operation and maintenance, the formation of related attitudes and the creation of an educational and research background. 


During the last few years, several ideas, programs, projects, campaigns and notices under the aegis of the “green idea” have promoted environmentally conscious views and attitudes at the University of Pécs.

Sustainability and ecology have been hot topic for years now. Companies and institutes are pushed to be more sustainable with their development and innovations and to support more environmental thinking and actions. Studies show that the general opinion is shifting more and more towards sustainability, especially among the younger generations. Now we are looking for smart and creative solutions to help wide spreading the green idea at university.


How should the next-generation be addressed to help them understand sustainability? What makes the responsible message to click and generate behaviour-changing thoughts in the university citizens?

Levél Csapda