Green babysitter training

The 60-hour Green Babysitter training organized by the Green Bridge Foundation was completed, which was carried out in downtown Pécs between August and October 2020.
During the training, the participants thought together on the issues of child-rearing, played, created and gained experience in childcare and first aid. The training was partly carried out in the Eco-Kuckó interactive environmental training room, so sustainability and environmental education were also inseparable parts of the subject.

11 participants, including several university students, have received certificates of participation in the training, the knowledge they have acquired can be useful for those who want to babysit in addition to their studies, for those who would like to work as campers, animators, and for those who want to try their way abroad.

2021 tavaszán újra indítunk egy ingyenes Zöld Bébiszitter tréninget pályázati forrásból, az ezzel kapcsolatos friss híreket weblapunkon ( és facebook oldalainkon (@okokucko.pecs és @zoldbebiszitter) érhetik el az érdeklődők.  

In the spring of 2021, we will re-launch a free Green Babysitter training from tender resources, related fresh news to be found on our website ( and facebook pages (@okokucko.pecs and @zoldbebiszitter).  


Some feedback from the partecipants:

"I liked the creative, practical occasions, the comprehensive topics, the organization and the attitude and presentation of the instructors."

"The training showed the importance of openness, broad vision, attention and intuition."

"We have received lots and lots of new information from our enthusiastic, knowledgeable teachers."

"I'm committed to an environmentally conscious approach."

"The training showed how great recycled toys can be. You can also enjoy simple, cheap toys."

"Befote of this nature and the environment have been close to my heart, even more so now!"

"I understood the children's motives and spiritual world better."

"I liked the thoughtful conversations."

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