Ecocaching 16-26th September
Explore bicycle roads in Pécs
during the European Mobility Week, 16-26th September, 2021
Ecocaching in Pécs, now on your bicycle!
Explore the city with your bike, look for QR codes at the locations on the map.
Answer the questions and exchange your kilometres for green gifts.
The first 50 people to complete the route will get a guaranteed
eco-bag and bicycle lamp
after visiting 6 of the locations.
Participants* will have a chance to win the following:
Bike lock
Bike pump
Bike bag
Rear-view mirror.
*after visiting at least six locations and submitting answers.
Bike with us towards a greener Pécs, since every kilometre counts!
Do you accept the challenge?
Game rules:
- Choose the first location from the nine marked on the map as your starting point.
- using the map, GPS coordinates and the navigation app on your phone, go to this location.
- Scan the QR code on the mannequin at the location (your mobile has to have data enabled) and open the webpage.
- Answer the question and provide your email address before hitting the “send” button.
- Take a look at the correct answer and choose the next location fro the map.
- Your opinion matters!
Béke park
Hajnóczy market
Kodály Zoltán roundabout
Kórház square
Centrum parking lot
Búza square
Eastern entrance of the Zsolnay Cultural Quarter
Budai vám
You can read more about the event on the Autómentes Pécs page and the Ecocity-Ecoregion Foundation’s facebook page.
Organizer: Ecocity-Ecoregion Foundation
UP Green University