The collaboration of higher education in the utilization of research results

Press release

The collaboration of higher education in the utilization of research results

The University Technology and Knowledge Transfer Forum were formed with the participation of seven Hungarian universities, to strengthen the innovation processes in the institutions.

In the international innovation competition, it has become an important task for domestic universities to exploit the social and economic benefits of research results’ utilization. The first technology transfer offices appeared in Hungarian universities in the middle of the 2000s, and as a result, the conditions and culture of intellectual property management and utilization have developed in these institutions.

Over the past five years, there has been regular cooperation between technology transfer organizations of seven domestic universities, to develop their knowledge transfer activities, effectively utilizing research results and strengthening industrial cooperation. As a result of the professional collaboration, numerous pieces of training and conferences were carried out, and guides and recommendations for Professionals to improve the innovation ecosystem around Universities.

On 24th October 2018, the collaborator universities, including the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, the University of Debrecen and the Eötvös Loránd University, the Óbuda University, the University of Pécs, the Semmelweis University and the University of Szeged By establishing a Forum (ETTF), they formalized their joint professional activities by signing a cooperation agreement.

The main objectives of the ETTF are to develop the third missionary activities of domestic universities, to raise awareness of innovation in general and to strengthen university-industry links.

The Forum as a professional advisory body will support policy proposals in the field of research exploitation. The ETTF is a member of the Working Group of the largest European Technology Transfer Organization (ASTP) national networks.

The co-operation agreement establishing the ETTF was solemnly signed with the participation of the leaders of the universities concerned on 24 October 2018 at the Ministry of Innovation and Technology. Attended the event Ádám Szigeti, Deputy State Secretary for Innovation at ITM, Dr. Zoltán Birkner, President of the National Office for Research, Development and Innovation, Dr. Viktor Łuszcz, President of the National Intellectual Property Office and Dr. János Pakucs, Honorary President of the Hungarian Innovation Association.

24th October 2018. Budapest

Levél Csapda