
Become a desiccation researcher yourself!

Presentation title: Become a desiccation researcher with the DRYRivERS smartphone app!

Presentation date: 1st March 2023, 5:00 pm

Location: South Transdanubian Regional Library and Knowledge Center, Conference Room (2/a. Universitas street, Pécs)

Working together for a greener world - UP-Mecsekerdő

University of Pécs and Mecsekerdő Ltd. are working together for a more sustainable and "greener" future. The cooperation will include joint tree planting, building a nature trail, litter picking, and strengthening the bird-friendly environment. UP is the 21st greenest university in the world thanks to the sustainability and environmental steps taken in recent years. The current collaboration reinforces this.

Source: Univ TV

"SmartLife" - a more conscious present for a more sustainable future - video competition for Babits Mihály Teachers' Training Practice School of the University of Pécs

Interview with nutritionist Dr. Zoltán Szabó

"SmartLife" – a more conscious present for a more sustainable future



Interview with Tünde Kulcsár, the coordinator of the Green University Program of the UP

In 2022, the UP was again ranked first in Hungary and 21st in the international rankings of the UI GreenMetric World University Rankings, the international list of green universities. An interview with Tünde Kulcsár, the coordinator of the Green University Program of the UP, on the new sustainability efforts and plans of the period following the awarding of the honourable titles is available on the 1367 - the website of the UP Student Council magazine.

The UP is the 21st greenest university in the world!

In 2022, the University of Pécs (UP) has been ranked for the seventh time in the "UI GreenMetric World University Rankings". The University of Pécs was ranked 21st among the 1050 universities in the "world's green universities", and for the third time out of the 11 Hungarian universities in the ranking, it was the best university in Hungary, earning the title of the greenest Hungarian university in 2022.

Civil fair at the Chancellery

UP Bird Friendly University - Invitation to the opening event

The Professional College for Sustainable Development of the University of Pécs has officially joined the Bird Friendly School program of the Hungarian Ornithological and Nature


Levél Csapda