Discover the world of Ecolabels!
ECOCACHING game NOW in Árkád!
Ecocity Week
February 26 - March 3, 2020
Discover ecolabels, search for QR codes situated in stores designated on the map.
Answer the questions and turn your steps into special eco gifts, because you can protect the Earth with your good shopping decisions.
The first 150 participants are guaranteed with:
organic cotton shoulder bag / textile napkin / bread bag with gift
(We reward you only by visiting all the shops.)
Best players (who submit the most correct answers) will be further playing for 3 gift packages.
Shop ecologically, because every decision matter!
Do you accept the challenge?
How to play:
1. From the eight stores in the "Ecocaching Store" list, choose the first one you want to explore.
2. Use the map to find the location.
3. Scan the QR code in the store using your phone with internet access. Open the web address in your mobile browser.
4. Answer the question that appears * and enter your email address before clicking the submit button.
5. See the correct answer.
6. On the map that appears, search for the next location.
* The correctness of your answer does not affect your participation in the game.
Ecocaching shops:
The Body Shop
Media Markt
Yves Rocher
Mecsek Reformház
You can read more about Ecocity Week on and Ökováros-Ökorégió Alapítvány facebook web page.
Ökováros-Ökorégió Alapítvány
PTE Zöld Egyetem
PMJV Önkormányzata
BIOKOM Nonprofit Kft.
Árkád Bevásárlóközpont
Pécsi Állatkert és Akvárium-Terrárium
Medvehagyma Ház
Kiefer Béla fotóművész
Greenpeace Magyarország Egyesület
Baranyai Virtuális Erőmű Program
és a játékban résztvevő ökocaching üzletek
Main support:
Pannon Hőerőmű Zrt.